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The Net Impact System has Tools to Help You

November 1, 2020
Nov 1, 2020 6:00 PM

The Performitiv Net Impact System is more than a methodology to measure learning impact, it is a toolset.  Below are the tools it has to help you show your learning connection and contribution to business and talent impact.

Net Impact Score: Goes beyond averages and Top 2 Box to better reflect the diversity of data. This is similar to Net Promoter Score, but with a focus on impact. Using a standard 0 to 10 scale, a score between 9-10 would be considered High Impact, and a score between 0-6 would be considered Low Impact. Net Impact Score = % High Impact – % Low Impact.

Business Outcome Indicators: Evaluation questions tied to desired business outcomes. First, identify the desired outcome for each strategic program, then ask participants if the program helped achieve that outcome. Examples of BOIs are: Did you find this useful at the moment of need? Are you a better leader as a result of this program?

Impact Process Map: Helps manage Talent Development like a strategic business process. Sets goals for things learning controls, like content, instructors and environment, as well as things it can influence, such as application, fit and business outcome indicators. The map includes business, talent and effectiveness measures.

Workforce Performance: Hard data that can be benchmarked across industries, organizations and business units. Helps to identify where and how Talent Development impacts the business outcome of Workforce Productivity. Workforce Performance = Revenue/Labor Expense.

Executive Evaluation Scorecard: The top 3 to 6 business priorities based upon executive feedback, turned into evaluation questions. Helps executives understand if programs are meeting their expectations.

Financial Modeling: Selectively used to determine the optimal mix of resources when designing an expensive and strategic learning program. Focuses on analyzing financial impact before a program takes place to build agreement on the value of the program with measurable goals to track.

Learn more about the Net Impact System.

Thank you,

The Performitiv Team