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[Video] How Having the Right Data Can Change the Conversation to L&D Impact

February 9, 2025
Feb 9, 2025 7:00 AM

Over the last few years, the L&D function has been elevated, and along with it has come raised expectations.

63% of executives interviewed in the most recent LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report, for example, agree that "L&D now has a seat at the executive table," yet L&D execs continue to struggle to communicate value.

A recent Performitiv study found that 85% of learning leaders are disappointed in their measurement capabilities, and only 54% report that they are able to use data effectively to communicate with business leaders about the impact of their programs.

Luckily there's an answer for this continuing challenge facing L&D leaders, and it starts with having the right data at your fingertips, and knowing how to use it to demonstrate impact.

In this video, Lesson #2 from Performitiv's Next Gen Learning Leaders video series, Amy Graft from Siemens explains how to switch the focus of your conversations from the cost of programs to the impact of programs, by using data.

JetBlue's Lauren Rabin describes how learning leaders can communicate to business leaders and help them understand the "what, so what and now what" around their learning programs.

To watch the full 8 minute of the Learning Leaders video above, click here.