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Measure learning as a valued, cost-effective process.

August 16, 2020
Aug 16, 2020 7:00 PM

Learning measurement is sometimes feared because it appears to be resource intensive.  The perception is that it consumes limited money, time and personnel resources.  This is true if you view learning measurement as a project.  A project can be costly and time consuming.  A measurement project is episodic or ad-hoc.  

Instead, learning professionals should view measurement as a process.  It should be simple, automated as possible, and repeatable.  It should require limited money, time and personnel resources.  

Modern learning measurement and analytics technologies use APIs to connect to an LMS or micro-learning platform to increase efficiencies and reduce administration.  Modern evaluation tools are responsive, configurable, articulate and precise to measure reaction but also application, relevance, and business and talent outcomes.  

Future-forward learning measurement tools collect business data too.  This data is presented alongside learning data (evaluation and activity) to tell a story of learnings connection and contribution to the business.  Annotation provides a concise platform to publish articulate narratives to augment the story.   This leads to meaningful and collaborative executive reporting.

Re-imagined learning measurement tools are not complex nor cumbersome.  They reveal where there is high impact and where there is low impact.  They benchmark data, trend it and set goals against it.  These tools are affordable.  They are based on cloud-technology so the cost is often a rounding error in an L&D budget.

Performitiv is all of the above.  Perhaps that is why it is the fastest growing learning measurement tool in the market.  It's modern, cost-effective and shows learnings connection to the business.  

Reach out if you want to learn more - -

Thank you,

The Performitiv Team