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Blog Posts

Do you have gaps in learning measurement?

June 7, 2020
Jun 7, 2020 7:00 PM

Performitiv speaks to organizations on a daily basis that don't know what they don't know when it comes to their current learning measurement process.  In honesty, many organizations are doing a decent job of using data to drive decisions but they want to improve their process.

Performitiv has a few resources to help if you believe you have some areas that need improvement.  First, diagnose where you have gaps in learning measurement and how big they are compared to other gaps.  This will help you prioritize your limited resources on the most important areas in need of change.  As a resource to do this,  you can take this quick and simple learning measurement diagnostic to receive immediate feedback on how your current process aligns to best practices.

Next, empower your team with insights, networking and training about practical learning measurement approaches they can adapt into their processes in a simple and easy way.  Performitiv has a workshop that teaches these concepts from measurement strategy to evaluations to correlation and annotation we explore methods to make learning measurement a scalable and practical tool.   Your team can enroll in our free, virtual class taking place on September 15.  If interested click to learn more about the workshop and register for it.

If you have immediate needs, please contact us and we're here to listen and offer our guidance.

Stay safe and well.

The Performitiv Team