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Operationalizing Talent Development Measurement

December 22, 2019
Dec 22, 2019 6:00 PM

Performitiv helps organizations optimize their Talent Development process by linking learning to Talent and Business Outcomes:

1.Workforce Performance

2.Culture and Engagement

3.Leadership Capabilities

4.Knowledge and Skills

5.Quality of Hire

The illustration above is a great tool to think about what you want to measure in a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive way.

To operationalize measuring the myriad of elements in the illustration above, follow these practical steps:

1.Collect impact data (largely controlled by L&D and linked to learning programs) (ex. Job Impact Rating)

2. Gather outcome data (influenced by L&D but not directly linked to a learning program) (ex. Compliance Incidents, Sales Growth Rate)

3. Share impact scores on the program, people and results and trend outcome data looking for associations to L&D

To focus on point 1 above a bit more, job impact ratings are gathered as follows:

-Use evaluation standards for common and consistent indicators across curricula (ex. content, instructor, environment)

-Identify the talking points to connect to learning (ex. employee engagement in a leadership program) and create specific, conditional questions

To focus on point 2 above a bit more, outcome data is gathered as follows:

-Identify a KPI that is important to the stakeholder

-This is a business or talent metric not a learning objective

-Gather the final, approved KPI before, during and after the program

To focus on point 3 above a bit more, share the data as follows:

Use a scorecard to communicate with executives that has:
-Small, balanced set of focused KPIs
-Color coding for instant guidance
- Trends to understand directional results
-Combines evaluation and operational results
-Uses annotation and association to show correlation and connection

Finally, make sure microlearning is part of the above-mentioned process.  Consider the following when incorporating microlearning.

-Integrate with tools like Degreed and LinkedIn Learning
-Use a single question (ex. Did this learning support you in your moment of need?)
-Use a link or embedded questions for owned-content
-Use a consolidated email message for non-owned content

Thank you,

The Performitiv Team