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Management Reporting: Ideas for Impact (Performance Statement)

June 30, 2021
Jun 30, 2021 7:00 PM

This week we're going to focus on a management reporting tool many haven't heard of before - the Performance Statement.  This reporting tool is intended to communicate L&D's impact on financial, talent, and business outcomes. It can also be used to communicate impact for specific programs, business units, regions, etc.In the example below, you'll see some of the more common metrics for illustrative purposes, but keep in mind that this should be specific for your organization and context. Even if this ends up only being a few lines to begin with - start somewhere!

Looking at the sample above, you'll notice that it's a mix of data - financial, business operations, assessments. It's perfectly fine to have a mix of different data types, although they should be grouped together, where possible, to enhance the visualization aspect. There are some considerations with this type of report:

Benefits. The format is structured in a way similar to most organizations' financial statements, so something like this should be quick to comprehension, although you may need to do some education on the metrics. This speaks the language of executives - it's all about showing the impact in key areas where L&D is a bigger contributor to results. It's easy enough to put together and shouldn't require special skills or technology to do it.

Drawbacks. The biggest drawback is that it's often hard to get the non-assessment data; however, this often comes with time, progress, and commitment.   If you can't get actual results, is there a proxy measure you could use?  Is there a predictive metric that provides an early indicator?  Can you infuse it into assessments to capture proxy data?

Other Considerations. The biggest consideration is that you have to know where your impact lies.  Whether that's strategic programs or company initiatives - where are you making an impact?  Do the work ahead of time to plan for this.

It doesn't need to be perfect. Yes, it needs to be well thought out, but don't look at it and think you'll never get there.  Even if you keep it within your team and don't share it upwards right away, there is still progress to be made.I'm curious what others think about this approach or are doing in this space.  Reach out and let me know at Happy Measuring!

Christopher LeBrun
Director of Professional Services, Performitiv