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Blog Posts

5 Ways to Demonstrate Value

November 22, 2020
Nov 22, 2020 6:00 PM

L&D organizations want to demonstrate their value.  Here are 5 ways to do this.

One:  Calculate Net Impact Score.  This goes beyond averages and Top 2 Box to better reflect the diversity of data. This is similar to Net Promoter Score, but with a focus on impact. Using a standard 0 to 10 scale, a score between 9-10 would be considered High Impact, and a score between 0-6 would be considered Low Impact. Net Impact Score = % High Impact – % Low Impact.

Two: Review Financial Productivity.  Track and trend a metric like revenue/labor expense to understand the macro, broad talent development impact on the ultimate output, revenue. Why do this? Because most CFOs track this.

Three:  Collect and Report Outcome Indicators.  Tie evaluation questions to desired business and talent outcomes. First, identify the desired outcome for each strategic program, then ask participants if the program helped achieve that outcome.  Examples include a talent outcome like engagement (As a direct result of this learning, I am more motivated and committed to this organization) or an outcome like sales  (As a direct result of this learning, I am confident I will significantly increase sales).

Four: Use The Process Map as Your Strategy.   The map is a single visual to lead managers through strategic thinking to collect the right data for the program.  

Five:  Use Operational Data, Where Applicable.  Track hard data and trend it over time.  Correlate this to the program delivery and to naturally occurring control groups for evidence of impact.

Thank you,

The Performitiv Team